Welcome to Bible Trivia.

I was a Christian and attended the Baptist church for many years. I was Catholic for about 10 years. I was taught tradition and not actual scripture from the holy bible. To be clear, scriptures were provided, however, I had no idea the bible is a history book. The bible chronicles the history of a people who are hidden to this very day. Many of us were taught Christianity during slavery. It was forced upon us. Today it is widely accepted. Christianity has been passed down from generation to generation. I'm sharing this quiz in hopes to enlighten you (if you are not already) and inspire you to study deeper. Studying the holy bible in it's purest form is guaranteed to strengthen, prosper, and draw you nearer to the Father. Do I believe people have tampered with the bible? Absolutely! However, our hidden history and the destruction of mystery Babylon is written in the bible. Many won't study enough to find it.  Seek and you shall find. There is a running joke if you want to hide something from a certain group of people, put it in a book. The rulers of this current kingdom would not write about their own destruction. This is why I know the core of the bible is true. It is the best selling book in the world. Other religions take from it because it is the truth! The bible is not a religious book, although it is used as such. It is a history book with laws, guidance and instruction on how to live a healthy, prosperous life in peace!

2nd Timothy 2 verse 15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth! An individual must have a spirit of discernment to separate the meat from the bones. Blessings to all who receive the meat of this bible! Shalom!