This quote is a consistent reminder of how precious life is. My husband lost his battle to bone cancer when he was in his early thirties. It was a devastating blow to our family. He was an entrepreneur with hopes of expanding his business, traveling around the world, and having children. God had other plans for him. In his short life, he accomplished more than most accomplish in a lifetime. When we get older, our face and body will change. Count it all joy when The Most High God allows us to breathe the fresh air of old age! Never take for granted the favor God provides to preserve our lives. When I posted this quote on Facebook, I was surprised by all the negative comments I received. People complained about aches and pains. What is the alternative? Death! It’s unfortunate that those people complain about growing older. I can only imagine how they treat the people around them. I pray God blesses me to live a long, healthy, prosperous, and fulfilling life. My aunt is currently 101! She told me God’s promise in Psalm 90. I have another aunt who is 97. It’s challenging, but it is imperative to eat right and exercise as we age. Stay grateful, thankful, and blessed!


God assigned you to this mountain top to show others, it can be moved!

– Author Unknown